Free download MathWorks Matlab Additional tool set Full Independent version of the offline installer for Windows, this is an add -on that improves the functionality of Matlab.
Review Mathematworks Matlab Additional tool set h2>
in distribution, additional packages for mother equipment for Matlab sleep (cameras, microcontrollers, arduins, pleated melves, oscillographs, etc.), in the case of software (such as OpenCV, popular deep learning models, Mingw compiler, etc.), in the case of infrastructure (various cloud services, various types of databases, etc.).
There was no distribution of Matlab packages on curing, and therefore everything was in the “different types of databases” mode. There was no distribution of Matlab packages on Tracker and that is why everything was in the “Pitchfork on the Water” mode.
Additionally. Packages for Matlab, you can put a second “trial”, Matlab 9.10 in the new folder and put packages from this distribution in this trial matlab. During the installation, your matlab and plus a window for selecting and installing components will start.